Category: Uncategorized

Kavita and Hemal laughing

How to Know If You Are Being Yourself On a Date

I realized something the other day. We are told all the time, before going on an interview or a first date (or practically anything that is major in life): “Be yourself.” We hear that over and over again from friends and ... READ MORE

Increase your capacity to love…

Last weekend I went home to celebrate my mom’s 60th birthday. She is an amazing woman. Witnessing your parents getting older is such an interesting experience. As a child, they are these extremely powerful people that rule your world… ... READ MORE

Wanting but not getting in life… Think again!

Today I want to inspire you to take full ownership for your life, and know you can begin creating exactly what you desire… We all have moments of total and utter frustration when what we want just doesn’t seem to be coming fast enough. ... READ MORE

The meaning of my name + V-Day love

I wanted to send you some LOVE today on V-day. And I want you to know that is my goal with every post: to send love your way every single week. The reason I feel YOU deserve LOVE is because there is seriously no other person in the ... READ MORE

Is it okay to not want to work at love?

We have all met the happily married couple of either a day or 30 years whose answer to the question “What’s the secret?” is: “Relationships take work.” And so we feel like we have to give our ALL of the time. Not only in relationships, ... READ MORE

The Soul-Stealing Shoulds

This week, I was reminded of the dreaded word “Should.” This word is loaded — it is intuition-zapping, obligation-creating, sucking-on-a-lemon-contracting, and soul-jarring. You might as well be hanging out in a mini pressure cooker. ... READ MORE

Send Out Your Love Flare (3 Magic Words)

The most common questions I get are: “Why am I attracting all of the wrong kind of guys? Why can’t I attract a man that I am equally attracted to, one who gives me butterflies when I am around him?” I then ask them, “do you trust men?” ... READ MORE

7 Steps To Creating Conscious Resolutions for the New Year

The New Year brings with it new excitement and the possibility for so much. A whole year lies ahead of us, and with it comes a nice new clean slate. But if you are anything like me, that clean slate can feel overwhelming. I immediately ... READ MORE

A Gift From An Airport Romance

I am writing this from the airport on my way back home to Cincinnati, Ohio, where my parents live and where I grew up. It’s amazing what kind of crazy airport experiences you can have when flying home during the holidays, and the ... READ MORE