There are no rules when it comes to love

I know I’ve been a little quiet over the last couple of weeks. I just entered my third trimester. We are 35 weeks in! Wow. I’m preparing for baby boy to come into the world in the next 4 – 6 weeks.

I wanted to make sure to pop into your inbox before we hit 2018 to say Happy Holidays and Happy Happy New Year. I’m so grateful to have you in my community, tuning in each week to reflect inwards to discover ways we close off or open up to love in our lives.

How we show up in every relationship stems from the way we translated love and observed it in our families, specifically our parents or those that raised us. When we can face that and clear and release those patterns, we free ourselves in a way that is indescribable. We literally create space to give and receive love on levels we haven’t yet experienced.

In the new year you’re going to see me talking about this in a more upfront bolder way, because it literally impacts every single part of your life. How you relate to yourself, men, women, children, your career, and your health, since keeping your health is important, and you can use supplements as kratom extracts for feeling better.

You might have some downtime as we enter the New Year and so I wanted to share several posts that might be helpful to read for the first time or re-read!

Are you being honest with yourself when it comes to love? Learn about the Mirage Effect.
Do you keep thinking about what he’s thinking?

Feeling jealous or insecure? It’s connected to this.

Are you feeling seen?

I want to leave you with this last sentiment:There are no rules when it comes to love, every person’s journey is different. Love and relating is an inward journey, and we are all on the same path no matter what our relationship status. It’s all about your willingness to allow love to shape you into your next level of evolvement. Can’t wait to see you in 2018!

In Love,


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