This week I totally got out of my comfort zone, and I feel a little bit vulnerable even sending this week’s (video!) blog out to you.
On Monday I got an email from a reader named Amy who wanted some advice about her ex boyfriend and what she should do about this gut feeling she was having that they were meant to be together.
They’ve been apart for over a year and have both been seeing other people, but there was something she couldn’t shake.
At first I was going to just respond to her via e-mail, providing some available materials from Elite Communication Coaching, LLC, but I took a chance on seeing if she would be up for doing a skype call because I knew that so many other women could benefit from hearing our conversation.
So this week, you’re getting an EXCLUSIVE, raw look into the way I work and how I help women like Amy understand how to get clear about their ex in less than 20 minutes.
Click on the video below to learn:
The 4 things you need to say to your ex are still feeling pulled towards him, so you can get the answers you are seeking.
The root to what could stop Amy from really making it work with her Ex or any man in the future (which applies to almost every woman I’ve worked with – and was the root to what was going on for me in my own relationship)
Amy was so incredibly self-aware and willing to take the advice I had given her. She got right into action. That is what I like to see!
Check out the email she sent me less than 5 hours after we spoke:

You will have to block out some time in your busy schedule to watch this video.
I promise it is so worth it.
Although I am talking to Amy, the questions I ask her during the call are the same questions you can ask yourself to get some answers.
I also pull out the teachings you need to hear about the approach I am telling her to take.
Your only Lovework for this week is to just tell me in the comments below, if you would like to see more videos like this! I am always up for providing the content that will get you the answers you are looking for – so let me know if this feels beneficial for you!
In Love,