Okay this year, 2020, there are no words. It has definitely been a year of chaos, fear, deep sense of loss and empty grocery stores, for a period of time, with very little toilet paper.
It has also brought a lot of loneliness, less distractions, and separation.
All of which brought front and center what is most important, and that’s love and relationships.
I know being someone that is successful, high achieving, and single it may have felt difficult to be doing less. Meaning less events, soirees, and impromptu meet ups, and more being with yourself.
That can bring up all kinds of emotions, even anxieties.
So many women have asked me how do you even date, with a pandemic. I don’t find high quality men online, so what should I do, when that’s all I’ve got?
Well, here’s what love and 2020 have in common.
They both will bring up everything from within that is unhealed, past wounds, and the craziness in our heads with thoughts like “Am I missing something?” or “Is there something wrong with me?” when it comes to love.
These thoughts were easy to just sweep under the rug before, but when you’re wanting not just any kind of love but Soul Level Love, and then top that off with 2020 and the pandemic, there’s nowhere to hide.
Here’s the thing, I only work with women that are at the top of their game, who have big careers.
You’re probably someone that’s a CEO, CFO, COO, doctor, lawyer, executive, influencer, change maker, seasoned entrepreneur, and finding love for you is different.
You’re someone that doesn’t settle in life, anywhere, and yet I watch so many super successful single women settle in their love lives, sometimes unknowingly.
So it’s time…
2021 is at our doorstep…
You have to face the hard stuff that’s keeping you unknowingly pushing love away and let it transform you so you can attract the kind of love that’s worthy of you.
I’ve had plenty of clients find love during this pandemic, BUT and this is a big BUT, it’s because they were intentional and faced the fears and anxieties that meeting the right man, commitment and love can bring up.
For example, have you had any of these thoughts?
“Will I ever be accepted for who I am?”
“Do the kinds of men I want exist or are they all taken?”
“Will I ever meet a man that isn’t intimidated by my success?”
“Why do I keep dating the same kinds of men?”
“Why does my love life feel so hard?”
And under these seemingly innocent questions and thoughts, are blocks to love.
Or what I call Karmic Patterns.
Karmic Patterns are subconscious sabotaging patterns that push love away. They are sneaky, and they didn’t start with you.
They started with your parents or those that raised you.
They’re internal blocks to love, and how they relate to relationships, have been imprinted on your subconscious.
For example, how your mom trusts men is imprinted.
How your dad treats women is imprinted.
How your mom and dad (step parents/grandparents) show love is imprinted.
And much more, these are just a few examples.
That’s why in the past you probably dated your mom or married your dad and then got divorced.
There’s patterns there, it’s just a matter of awakening to them.
Without uncovering and releasing these Karmic Patterns, we can’t get very far in love without repeating past mistakes.
So, it’s essential to unearth what you can’t see right now.
In fact if 2021 is your year to commit to releasing anything that’s holding you back from SOUL LEVEL LOVE, then look out for another post from me in just a week.
I’m going to be sharing a really important masterclass with you. I took all of December to create it, and it’s jammed packed with value.
It will shift how you think about love, men, and relationships.
Let’s say a graceful goodbye to 2020, or kick it in the pants, and hello to a year where anything is possible.

I’m excited to be on this journey with you, as you commit to calling in true love.
Whistles and horns and happy new year!
In Love,