Think this relationship is keeping you from finding love?

I met this man the other day while I was out hanging with friends. He introduced himself and then asked me what I did. “I’m a Love and Relationship coach,” I said. He then asked me if I was married. “Yes, in fact I will be ... READ MORE

buzz word “boundaries”

The word boundaries comes up a lot, especially when I am talking to someone about their parents. As you know if you’ve been following me for a while, this is my topic of choice, the parent topic (or those that raised you.) It’s #1 for ... READ MORE

Can we control how hurt we feel?

Last Summer, I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. It wasn’t something I expected but when I saw the word pregnant on the test, I was elated. So happy in ways I absolutely didn’t expect. We hadn’t been really trying because ... READ MORE